
Purpose-built cloud CMMS for commercial industry organizations

Optimize and maintain a high-quality environment for your commercial manufacturing environment to ensure business continuity, profitability, and safety for your workforce. Whether you’re in gas & oil or natural resources and cmms software for manufacturing, ensure you’re promoting efficiency and extending equipment lifecycles with innovative maintenance management from FSI.

Proudly supporting over 600 million ft2 of floor plans every year

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Seamlessly scale your manufacturing operations

EAM asset information display of emergency break

Optimize your enterprise asset management

Streamline your facility maintenance and asset enterprise management for your industry organization. Provide a high-quality physical environment and well-maintained equipment for your workforce with a comprehensive CMMS integrated with analytics, space management, drawings, work orders and compliance.

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    Streamline communication across requesters and technicians

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    Easily complete work orders and preventative maintenance inspections

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    Scan asset barcodes and attach pictures to work orders

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    Update and verify your current asset inventory with barcodes

Work from useful, usable data

Trust you’re operating from accurate, updated asset inventories and CAD drawings of your facilities. With on-site data collection, asset barcoding and CAD specialists, you’ll have access to centralized, always-up-to-date inventory and space documentation.

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    Quickly locate assets by scanning barcodes with your cmms mobile app

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    Gain access to updated CAD drawings and digital floor plans

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    Ensure you’re performing preventative maintenance on all assets and equipment

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    Easily share and update access settings across every level of your organization

EAM map of industry warehouse
Service level dashboard of industry machine

Put your data to work

Move from reactive maintenance to proactive insights at your company. Identify high-level trends, then drill down into specific problem areas across all the dimensions of your maintenance network.

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    View and benchmark performance and usage trends across productivity and compliance

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    Plan preventative and predictive maintenance from historical data

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    Quickly pinpoint and perform work orders from the field

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    View and dispatch your team to prioritize the most urgent needs

Easily extend your asset lifecycles

Deliver the right data to the right people with a mobile CMMS and state-of-the-art Virtual Reality. Feel confident you’re investing in a CMMS your team will love, purpose-built by and for maintenance professionals. Ensure you’re providing high-quality equipment and environments to promote safety, prevent unplanned downtime, and get more from your investments.

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    Promote overall equipment effectiveness and operational continuity

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    Label asset and equipment with Critical and High-Risk tags

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    Prevent unplanned downtime with transparent inventories and spare parts

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    Take and attach pictures to work orders, then send updates to requestors

pending requests dashboard with man working on manufactoring machinery

Maintenance management insights

Stay up-to-date on industry trends, best practices, and case studies.

  • “FSI is really our Google. Gone are the days of paper records and file cabinets with stuff stored everywhere. We’ve been growing by leaps and bounds, acquiring real estate, leasing buildings, building buildings, buying buildings. To keep a repository of all that pertinent facility and equipment information, it’d be impossible without a system like this.”

  • “With our old CMS database, it wasn’t even possible to get data that we could believe in. Now we feel we have a solid data platform on which to base decisions. We’re now able to look at individual pieces of equipment and say, ‘How many times has this broken down? What has the cost been?’ We can rank equipment based on performance, and we prioritize replacements and capital investments.”

  • “CMS is basically my day-to-day communication with our technicians. Anything that comes through, whether it be plumbing issues, HVAC, ceiling tiles, anything, I coordinate those work orders. Each tech has a phone; they get an alert from CMS and an email and that’s how they know what they have to do for the day.”

Experience the future of enterprise asset management