computerized maintenance management system product CMS Space Manager

Make the most of your healthcare space

Whether you’re adding a new department or simply moving things around, make sure you’re working as efficiently as possible with insight into available space and possibilities with FSI’s healthcare space management software.

600 million ft2



Compliance with The Joint Commission

4x ROI

Per hospital using FSI

Manage your space and assets from one CMMS

With healthcare-specific tools, virtual floor plans and utilization reporting, you can optimize space planning and minimize waste.

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Report on usage

Better understand how you use facility space with ad hoc or template reports integrated with your space data and facility drawings.

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Unify your data

Manage your building data directly from your floor plans with simple click and edit capabilities for each room to understand utilization, track NFPA occupancy, set room statuses and more.

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Manage floor plans at scale

Gain a centralized database of accurate facility building data that includes cost center, square footage, and department information.

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Connect your operations

Space Manager allows you to connect your maintenance operation with your CAD system, or upload your drawings to FSI’s database.

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Receive 100% of reimbursements

Automate your facility’s square footage reporting for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements with robust reporting tools integrated with your entire system’s data.

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Easily calculate square footage

Highlight rooms to calculate and print square footage on the fly, or import square footage information from your CAD files.

Click and edit room data from digital floor plans

Unlike paper-based CAD drawings and space management, Space Manager offers simple click and edit capabilities for each room. Simply select a room to edit the characteristics, then view and print those settings across your floor plan.

Customize your room attributes

Easily create your own attributes to track specific room data across your facility, from room color and lighting to occupancy and beyond. All for easier, more accurate reporting and decision-making. you can better understand utilization, track NFPA occupancy, set room statuses, and more.

Calculate square footage

Import square footage information from your CAD files, or generate square footage reports for cost center utilization. You can even highlight rooms to calculate and print square footage dynamically, on the fly.

Integrate your maintenance data

Unlike siloed facility management software systems, Space Manager integrates with FSI’s healthcare CMMS to use asset and work order location information to streamline your users’ daily workflows.

Don’t just take it from us

  • work order management software

    “With our old CMMS database, we couldn’t believe in our data. Now we have a solid data platform on which to base decisions.”

    ”We’re now able to look at individual pieces of equipment rank equipment based on performance, and we prioritize replacements and capital investments.”

  • maintenance management system

    “FSI has become the backbone of our record-keeping and compliance documentation.”

    ”When we went to market for a new CMMS, we figured we’d find just another vendor. What we got was a true partner in FSI. They’ve taken ownership of our issues.”

  • best cmms software

    “FSI just made sense.”

    “Its ease of use, the look and feel, and what you were able to do with it. It’s designed to do certain things in certain ways—optimally.”

  • best asset management software cmms

    “I appreciate the scanning capabilities and reporting functions of CMS.”

    “FSI helps us from a regulatory standpoint, improving customer service and recognition and evaluation tool. I can point out top performers across my technicians to see who’s getting their work done and who might be getting good comments from customers.”

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Pain-free healthcare maintenance management